

5 Uppsatser om Jeanne d\'Arc - Sida 1 av 1

Jeanne d?Arc och hjältemyten : en hjältemyt tolkad jungianskt

Syftet med följande uppsats är att titta närmare på mytbildningen kring Frankrikes nationalhelgon Jeanne d?Arc och då i synnerhet utifrån hjältemyten. Jag har i mina studier av fenomenet Jeanne d?Arc stött på flera verk ägnade åt henne som hjälte, men ingen som använder sig av mytteorier i sin analys av henne och då i synnerhet inte av Jungs specifika symbolteori. Därav tror jag mig kunna göra ett på ett sätt unikt arbete inom området.

Jeanne d´Arc och helig anorexi

Syftet med uppsatsen är att titta närmare på Jeanne d´Arc och hennes fasta genom att studera de rättegångsprotokoll som nedskrevs 1431 och 1455. Jeanne d´Arc beläggs ofta med sjukdomen helig anorexi som medel för sina uppenbarelser. Detta fängslar såväl dagens forskare såväl som hennes tidigare belackare, de klerker som anklagade henne för kätteri under den rättegång hon genomgick innan sin död på bålet. Intresset för frågan dök upp efter att jag studerat Caroline Walker Bynums bok Holy feast and holy fast som behandlar just hur medeltida kvinnor såg på fastan och dess omvärld. Min hypotes är att Jeanne d´Arc inte led av anorexi utan att detta snarare tillhör en hjältemyt och en hagiografisk myt där hon placeras i samma fack som flera andra samtida helgon.

Jeanne d'Arcs kanonisation : en kyrkopolitisk strategi eller skapandet av en nationell symbol

The following essay is named The canonization of Joan of Arc, a Church political strategy or the creation of a national symbol? Joan of Arc, the French heroine of the Hundred Years War, was canonized as late as 1920, in a process that began already in 1869. In the following essay I am trying to work out if this canonization is a work of the Vatican in order to gain popularity in France after the breakup with the state in 1905. The Catholic Church had, since the French Revolution, faced difficulties withstanding its position of power in the presence of the upcoming Secularism and Liberalism and their growing public support. The Catholic Church had been fighting for its members and at the same time fighting the new ideas of Socialism, Communism and Liberalism.

Terapiträdgårdens växtmaterial

This report discusses the IT archetypes "governance strategy" and how it could be linked to the IT benefits at the company. The study is based on IT investments that have taken place in ten banks operating in Sweden today, where the reality was modeled on the basis of a questionnaire survey and an additional interview. The aim was to examine whether it is possible to find any correlation between the governance in the banks and obtained benefits for an IT investments.While the competition is intensifying in most companies there is a greater demand for efficiency in IT. The need for IT solutions is greater than ever and the number of IT investments is increasing significantly in most workplaces today, especially on banks. But even if the investments are increasing in numbers it does not necessarily mean that all types of investments are effective and beneficial to the company.

En utvärdering av IT-investeringar på banker med fokus på IT-styrningsmetoder

This report discusses the IT archetypes "governance strategy" and how it could be linked to the IT benefits at the company. The study is based on IT investments that have taken place in ten banks operating in Sweden today, where the reality was modeled on the basis of a questionnaire survey and an additional interview. The aim was to examine whether it is possible to find any correlation between the governance in the banks and obtained benefits for an IT investments.While the competition is intensifying in most companies there is a greater demand for efficiency in IT. The need for IT solutions is greater than ever and the number of IT investments is increasing significantly in most workplaces today, especially on banks. But even if the investments are increasing in numbers it does not necessarily mean that all types of investments are effective and beneficial to the company.